Attention Professional Services Firm Equity Principals, Partners or Directors

Free And Confidential Cyber Security Risk Assessment Reveals Whether You Can Renew Or Obtain Cyber Liability Insurance And Reveals If You Are At Risk Of A MULTI MILLION DOLLAR LOSS, Massive Damage To Your Reputation And Your Family's Livelihood

When this 100% confidential Risk Assessment is complete, you will know:

  • Whether or not your family’s livelihood and your reputation is at risk of massive damage that could cost you and your family millions of dollars.
  • Whether you could prevent a ransomware attack, so you avoid suffering the stress, anxiety, reputation damage, lost time and money from either having to pay the ransom, or the ransomware gangs releasing your extremely sensitive client data publicly, when you don’t pay.
  • Whether or not you’ve done as much as possible to try and prevent a ransomware or cyber-attack. Naturally, with ransomware groups now extorting money out of you, by threatening to release your highly sensitive and confidential data if you don’t pay, this is extremely important.
  • Have you unknowingly committed insurance fraud and could you even get a policy renewal or quote in today’s changing cyber insurance market. Obviously, I couldn’t think of anything worse than thinking you had insurance, and it not paying a claim when you needed it most.
  • Where you are overpaying (or getting underserved) for the IT services and support you are currently getting from your current IT company or team.
  • Whether or not your systems and data are truly secured from hackers and ransomware, and where you are partially or totally exposed.
  • Where you are unknowingly violating the Mandatory Data Breach Amendments to the Privacy Act that could leave you facing fines of up to $2,100,000.
  • How you could lower the overall costs of IT while improving communication, security and performance, as well as the productivity of your employees.

Don’t wait to find out the hard way! Please remember that EVERYTHING WE DISCUSS AND DISCOVER WILL BE STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.

Complete And Submit The Form On This Page To Claim Your FREE Cyber Security Risk Assessment Or Call Us On 08 6244 2556

Complete This Form To Claim Your FREE Cyber Security Risk Assessment

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It’s worth 1 million times it’s weight in gold, and I believe that it’s not if, but when, it will have saved me from an attack.

Glenn Barnett Principal
GJ Barnett and Associates

See What Our Clients Are Saying

Saves us Time and Money, Unheard-of Communication for an IT Firm and Highly Recommended

Operating a Real Estate office, this system has saved us time and money on countless occasions. We rely on having access to historical records to help resolve disputes and the day to day operation of the practice. My Info Tech Partner are extremely prompt and thorough with their services as well as being friendly, approachable and very communicative – not something that you find often with IT companies! I would highly recommend My Info Tech Partner and an email archiving solution to any practice.

Chelsea Bruhn Director/Licensee
Peter Bruhn and Associates

Gives Me Peace of Mind with Personalised Services and Always Accessible

The biggest benefit we’ve had since working with My Info Tech Partner is the Peace of Mind that someone is managing our IT, keeping us safe leaving us problem free. This combined with their calm and professional approach lets us know everything is in hand and I can concentrate on running my business.

If you’re are sitting on the fence and wondering why should I choose My Info Tech Partner? It’s simple, they offer personalised services and are always accessible.

Dani Van Schelven Dani Van Schelven Director
Hot Books 2.0

Reliable, Saves Us Money And Takes All Your IT Worries Away

The biggest benefit we’ve had since working with My Info Tech Partner is they are reliable in delivering the services we need. This combined with their proactive approach helps resolve small issues before they turn into big expensive problems, saving us money.

If you’re are sitting on the fence and wondering why should I choose My Info Tech Partner? It’s simple, they take all your IT worries away.


Marius Wieczorek General Manager